DSP Newsletter, July '18

Last month was busy as usual with the celebration of Juneteenth and our week-long ARTivism Camp at PNCA.  Our Liberated Archives: Archives for Black Lives series in partnership with Multnomah County Library continues and we have many more dates scheduled in the upcoming months.  Make sure to visit our "Events" page frequently to see what we have scheduled.  We're also busy working on the "Community Unity" Event hosted by Hughes Memorial later this month and making plans for August.  This August 9th-11th we will be hosting our 4th Annual "Ferguson Uprising" event at the Woodlawn MIC.  Over the 3-day event we will host a vigil for those murdered by racism, a tabling event with community organizations, an open mic night and other activities.  More details and event information to follow shortly.


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Introduction to #MeTooGirlPDX


DSP Newsletter, June '18