Eviction Clinics + More: This Week's Online Programming

Thank you to everyone for patiently waiting with us as we move onto an online platform. This  will allow us to bring all of our partnerships into the same space and create better collaborations for sharing information.

The first of our online programming comes from our partnership with Legal Aid Services of Oregon. This webinar will navigate the latest ordinances and eviction updates within the city of Portland. Please learn with us on April 22, 2020 from 4pm to 6pm on Zoom

[Launch meeting here].

We’re excited to bring back our archival workshops in partnership with City of Portland Archives! This will be happening on April 25th, 2020 from 11am to 1pm. Please join us for this online Liberated Archives program where we will discuss our year in review since our digital archiving workshop with DocTheNow last May. Pre-register here to have details emailed to you.


Archiving for Social Change!


Stay Home, Stay Creative