We’re in the 2021 GiveGuide which starts TODAY!

This month we look forward to celebrating Native American Heritage! We encourage you to expand your knowledge of Indigenous history and contributions; 

learn more about the official holiday here.

The cities’ largest giving initiative, Give Guide has officially launched and we are so grateful to be a part of it! For every donation over $25, donors will receive our official 2021 Black Lives Matter t-shirts. There are amazing Big Give Days and incredible prizes for donors to win; please stay tuned to the GiveGuide website for more announcements.

This month we are launching our Liberated Archives for Black Lives Residency - look forward to upcoming workshops and updates! You can learn more about our Liberated Archives work here.

Instead of celebrating Black Friday or Thanksgiving, we will be uplifting the message of the movement for Black Lives. 

Our annual Not Black Friday programming is almost here - if you'd like to get involved, please sign up to volunteer with us now.


Free food, toiletries & necessity items distribution in honor of Not Black Friday!


Right wing violence in America + the McMichael/Bryan trial begins this week