George Floyd changed the world

Portrait of George Floyd by Ameya Okamoto

A year ago today, we witnessed the tragic response to state violence in America. The murder of George Floyd affected all of us. While under quarantine, we had time to reflect and organize. We showed up for one another through mutual aid and community service. We did what matters most in times like these - we came together to build community. To say we’ve experienced a year of hurt would not be saying enough. We’ve witnessed the rise of community strength, power and resilience: members of our communities made the choice to fight for justice, to amplify calls to action and to organize mass resources for those who were without. The numerous murders of unarmed Black Americans shifted our fears of Covid 19 to the reality of a pandemic we could not be vaccinated against - white supremacy.

What we must take away during this time of reflection is the power of individual activism. Activism isn’t always throwing yourself into the line of fire - it’s being there for your community - it’s providing care to those who need it. It’s engaging with one another with respect and consideration. As we uplift and amplify social movements around the world, your solidarity and commitment to change is the impact needed. We must continue to evolve alongside one another to extend the work. Art, history and education are the tools we have used to empower ourselves and to dismantle the systems that are not designed for our benefit. Together we will rise and continue to take care of one another in community.


Juneteenth Celebrations

